This extensively illustrated, descriptive manual gives detailed instructions on how to perform many treatment sessions from the healing art of Polarity Therapy. Polarity works on the principle of a pervading life force that flows through us all. Bad habits, poor diet, stress, increased technology and the many pressures of modern living interfere with the flow of this energy. Polarity seeks to re-establish that flow bringing increased vitality and good health.
Alan Siegel MSc ND was involved in health care for most of his life and was a clear and enthusiastic teacher of Polarity. This book reflects his approach and that of of his colleague Phil Young. Alan Siegel was the founder of The Polarity Center in San Francisco and then New York. He was involved in health care for over 40 years and was a past president of the American Polarity Therapy Association. His book Polarity Therapy - Healing with Life Energy remains our best seller.