Polarity Therapy Study Materials
6 Polarity Therapy Books, 1 Theory Manual, 1 Bodywork technique manual and 14 instructional DVDs plus a detailed study guide
This study pack is given out to our Open Learning Students but is available to anyone interested in learning about Polarity or refreshing their knowledge base. It is an easy option to upgrade to our Practitioner training at any time.
Pack consists of:
Health Building by Dr Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy—Healing with Life Energy by Alan Siegel, Polarity Therapy - Energy, Structure, Function by Phil Young, Quinta-Essentia by Morag Campbell, Energy Pschology and Holonomic Reflexology by Phil Young and Morag Campbell. Course Manuals Theory Lectures DVD
Audio Lecture DVD (28 hours of audio lectures) Working with Life Energy DVD Polarity Yoga DVD General Session DVD Bodywork DVDs 1 & 1A, 2, 3, 3A, 4, 5 Nutrition DVDs 1 & 2 Rapport DVD
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Click on controls below to view a sample of the instructional video of the bodywork.